© Guy Krier
Where? L-9154 Grosbous
According to a legend, a ghostly hunter accompanied by a pack of dogs haunted the surroundings of Grosbous and spread fear and terror during his nightly forays. In reality however, rumour has it, that it was a rogue who tricked the superstitious villagers with his infernal noise in order to break into their houses. Nevertheless, the uncanny statue of the "Schankemännchen" is now a monument in front of the town hall and even a local theatre group bears his name.
In the 18th century, under the rule of Empress Maria-Theresia of Austria, the Duchy of Luxembourg experienced an unprecedented economic and cultural boom. Most of the farms with their harmonious architecture that still characterise rural Luxembourg today, date back to this period. Such "Maria Theresian farms", now professionally and lovingly restored, can be found in especially large numbers in Grosbous.
In the surroundings of the municipality, cycle and hiking trails lead through a magnificent landscape, which offers a view to the hills of the Ardennes.
Due to its considerable biodiversity, the biotope at Haardsebruch, situated in untouched nature, attracts specialists and lovers of flora and fauna.